Posted: September 13, 2024
Cranbrook council defers readings for proposed RV park
City of Cranbrook council on September 9 voted to defer readings covering Official Community Plan (OCP) and Zoning Bylaw Amendments for a proposed RV Campground.
The city has received an application to amend the OCP Future Land Use Map and Zoning Map to allow for an RV park on a parcel located at 2340-34th Avenue North.
The subject property is designated Low Density Residential in the OCP and zoned Residential R-1 in the Zoning Bylaw.
The area of land (approximately 47 acres) is located adjacent to the existing Rocky Pine RV Park directly to the west as well as highway corridor commercial businesses. Other surrounding land uses include Medium Density Residential to the south, and the Cranbrook Community Forest to the north and east.
The proposed development will result in 13.45 acres of the parcel being redesignated Tourist Recreation and eventually rezoned Tourist Commercial: C-6 to facilitate the use of an RV Campground on the property, the remaining 33 acres of the parcel would remain designated as residential land.
Details showing the number of camp sites, roadways, amenities, servicing, and access and egress are not provided in the current site plan provided by the applicant, the city reported.
“The applicant has stated their intentions for the RV Park to have a portion of the property dedicated to un-serviced sites along the northwestern boundary of the property, along with large, serviced sites filling the remainder of developable space. Serviced sites would be fitted with a concrete slab for RVs and two parking spaces,” the city noted.
The proposed amendments will come back for further council discussion at a future meeting.